From the World Service Board of Trustees

From the World Service Board of Trustees

Dear fellow addicts:

This is an unusual time in all our societies and many aspects of our lives have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For the Fellowship of Cocaine Anonymous (and most other 12 Step fellowships) this poses certain unique problems. We, both as the Trustee board, and as individual Trustees, have been asked for advice on how Groups and Areas might adapt to the ever-changing requirements of this hopefully short period. In particular, we have been asked about safety at meetings, and whether to hold larger events such as conventions as scheduled. We have been working toward answering these questions, trying to better understand the dangers involved and the range of responses that might be useful to our members. We have no advice on the virus itself or other medical issues. We suggest that you consult your personal physician, or the national government office responsible for such information.

In the USA this would be the CDC (

International information is available through
the WHO (…/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019).
Information is updated daily.

  • While different areas are being impacted at different rates, it seems likely that all areas will be exposed to this virus by the end of March. Accordingly, we have the following short-term suggestions:

  • Members should stay home if sick. There is nothing so important that it justifies endangering others. By all accounts this virus is easily transmitted.

  • Groups should consider whether their meeting(s) should be suspended or curtailed. Larger meetings should carefully consider whether other smaller meetings should be supported instead.

  • Where meetings are held, steps should be taken to minimize the risk of exposure. Food tables, holding hands and passing items around should probably be avoided. Seating might be spread out more than

  • Groups or meetings that are needing to be suspended for any duration may choose to setup meetings through online video-conferencing methods.

  • Online meetings are available for members who are ill, in quarantine, or otherwise wish to minimize social contact. See for a list of both voice and email meetings.

  • We strongly suggest that C.A. events where hundreds of attendees are expected, planned for the next 30 days, be canceled now. There may be additional legal requirements in your area, and these may change with time. Your Trustee is available to assist you.

  • The board of Trustees is continuing to monitor the situation daily as it applies to the 2020 World Service Convention in Austin. As of now, the convention will take place as planned. The board of Trustees, together with the World Service Office and the 2020 Steering Committee will keep our membership informed with regards to this event.

  • All Areas, and the World Service Office, are going to experience financial losses during this time, due to event cancellation and other disruptions. Members and Groups are asked to consider that when making 7th Tradition donations.

  • Keep informed about local conditions, news and instructions from your local officials, and be prepared to adapt your responses as needed. All state and local rules regarding this crisis should be observed.

This, too, shall pass and the Steps will help us get through this time, no matter what. Be well.

/Your World Service Board of Trustees